The KPRA Rules Meeting will be held on January 12, 2025 in Dodge City, KS. Rule Proposals will be accepted until December 28, 2024
Nominations and Election of Officers and Directors of the KPRA
Subject: Director Membership Proposed
3. Directors and alternates missing at least two (2) scheduled meetings without notification will be acted upon by the Board of Directors. Directors and alternates satisfactorily fulfilling their duties by attending half of the board meetings and obtaining the required money for their event for the Finals will receive the following year’s membership free of charge.
Rule Modification: Change following year’s membership free of charge to “membership, contesting or non-contesting, is free of charge once elected to the board of directors.”
Membership Requirements, Dues & Rules
Subject: Renewal Date
5. The fiscal year for KPRA will be from January 1 through December 31. Membership dues will be $150 ($175after June 1st), for contesting members 18 years of age. The dues will be split: $100 to operating/general fund and $50 will go to designated event as per membership application. A youth membership for contesting members under 18 is $115 ($130 after June 1st). The dues will be split: $65 to operating/generalfund and $50 will go to designated event as per membership application. (If member turns 18 during the fiscal year, they will pay the Youth membership fee, if the card is purchased prior to their 18th birthday). The associate card, for non-contesting members, will be $50.00($65 after June 1st). Renewal memberships must be post-marked by December 15 for money to count from any rodeos that fall after the KPRA Finals. For all other money to count, membership needs to be purchased prior to first competition, whether slack or performance. Companion passes, which will entitle your spouse or companion to free gate admission, can be purchased for $10.00 when you purchase your membership.
Rule Modification: Change wording from renewal must be postmarked by Dec. 15th to “renewal must be received by Dec. 31st. With the online renewal option, this should be changed.
Current Rule: Pg 21 Medical and Vet Release, and all mentions of this rule throughout the rule book
Proposal: Remove all current rules about vet and medical releases and replace with new rule.
a. Release can cover any rodeos currently entered that fall outside of the seven (7) day release period, if needed.
b. Contestants entered in multiple events can choose to release from one or more of their events. In this case, only events released from fall under the seven (7) day release period.
c. Contestants releasing from a rodeo must contact the rodeo secretary (not the KPRA secretary) so their fees are not paid out. It is the responsibility of the contestant to notify the rodeo secretary at least two (2) hours prior to the performance in which the contestant is in so that their fee does not go into the payoff. If contestant fails to properly notify rodeo secretary and their fee is included in the payoff, contestant shall be responsible for fees. All KPRA members’ fees are guaranteed at all KPRA 1st approved rodeos and will be added to the pot as if you have competed. ANYTIME your fees are paid out, you are responsible for them.
1. Contestant must also provide release information to KPRA secretary within seven (7) days of beginning release date, including which rodeos and events they are to be released from.
2. If contestant is releasing from slack, they must notify rodeo secretary at least two (2) hours prior to evening slack or morning slack, and at least two (2) hours prior to performance if slack is after the performance.
Current Rule: pg 21 Medical and Vet Releases
If contestant has not arrived at the arena when it is time to compete, stock will be turned out. NO STOCK IS TO BE HELD FOR LATE ARRIVALS, NO EXCUSES. Entry fees should be paid upon arrival, no fine levied, provided stock contractor has received a stock charge.
Proposal: Move this rule to Suspension List, Fines, and Turnouts. Remove this sentence: Entry fees should be paid upon arrival, no fine levied, provided stock contractor has received a stock charge.
Reasoning: Fines should be based off of whether this is a notified turnout or a non-notified turnout.
Current Rule: 2. The Board of Directors of each association must approve the rodeos to be co-approved. Co-approvals must be scheduled a reasonable time prior to the rodeo.
Rule Change: The Board of Directors of each association must approve the rodeos to be co-approved. Co-approvals must be scheduled 30 days prior to the rodeo.
Reasoning: For a KPRA to be listed, the Sanction Agreement must be filed 30 days prior to the rodeo. The same guidelines should apply to co-sanction approvals. This allows members ample time to make plans to attend.
Page 31
Current Rule: 6. There will be no more than ten (10) co-approved rodeos from each co-approved association during a rodeo season. These rodeos will be determined by the Board of Directors at a scheduled meeting. Any existing co-approved rodeos as of January 1, 2019 will be in a grandfather clause.
Rule Change: There will be no more than ten (10) co-approved rodeos from each co-approved association during a rodeo season. These rodeos will be determined by the Board of Directors at a scheduled meeting.
Reasoning: With 7 co-approving associations, this is a potential for up to 70 co-approved rodeos per year. The co-approvals have been exceeding the limits the past few years. In 2024 these were the number of co-approvals per association:
IPRA - 15
CPRA - 13
NSRA - 12
CePRA - 11
ACRA - 10
M-SRA - 7
UPRA - 7
If we take out the grandfather clause we can stick to the limit of 10 co-approvals per association. It will be the responsibility of the Board of Directors to choose which co-approvals are most beneficial to the general membership in the event that there are more than 10 rodeos from each association that want to co-approve.
Current Rule: 1. Average placings…This money shall not count for Championship Points but instead will be ground money.
Rule Change: 1. Average placings…This money will count towards the contestant’s money count for year-end standings.
New Rule: Add #5 C - All first approved KPRA Rodeos must use registered and approved Judges. Judges shall be paid a minimum, per judge, of $250 per performance for multiple-performance rodeos and $350 per performance for single-performance rodeos. Designated Slack will pay same as performance or $1.00 per run per Judge, greater of the two. Judges pay shall be the burden of the rodeo committee/management. Rodeo committee/management may request a 3rd Judge for their rodeo. Additional compensation may be negotiated between Judges and Rodeo committee/management.
New Rule: Add #5 D - KPRA will assign the Judges for each rodeo. Rodeo Committee/Management and Stock Contractor/Producer may suggest Judges to the KPRA assignor for their rodeo/rodeos.
Removal of following Rule:
10. Dry resin may be used on chaps and saddle. Anyone using any other foreign substance will be disqualified.
Reasoning: This rule has not been enforced for many years, we should either crack down on it or get rid of it.
New Rule: Stock must cross scoreline in front of, Line Judge and Lineman (who is opposite side of line judge), in their initial move after leaving chute. Failure to do so will result in animal being brought back and rerun (or use of the extra). In the opinion of the Rodeo Judges, that failure to cross scoreline in the initial move out of the chute was caused by contestant, hazer or heeler, no rerun will be given and a ten (10) second penalty may be assessed on the run. Clarification: Not crossing in initial move may include but not limited to - animal turning back before crossing scoreline, stumbles, falls or not pulling the barrier or neck rope not breaking off of animal's neck.
Subject: Open & 40/40 Team Roping Page 62
New Rule: #42. Open and 40/40 Team Roping will be ran as separate events at rodeos that have 2 or more performances.
Subject: Stock Page 62
New Rule: #43. Directors hold the right to ban any animal throughout the year if said animal is undesired to compete on.
General Rules
Current Rule: 3. The barrel race will be the last timed event during a paid performance, and arena is to be kept clear during the event. LBR may be run first during slack provided the stock contractor has informed Central Entry before entries open for that rodeo.
Rule Change: No change to the rule, but split this section from the previous part of this rule giving it its own number.
Reasoning: This rule often gets overlooked by contractors and committees because it is hidden behind an unrelated rule and has created issues. By splitting it out, it will be easier to find and be followed/enforced.
Current Rule: 13. A number less than 10- or 12- barrel racers can be approved by rodeo committee or stock contractor; however, ground must be raked after the same amount in the entire rodeo and slack if a lower number of barrel racers is chosen. Dragging at a lower number is highly recommended to reduce the risk of injury to horse and contestants.
Rule Change: 13. A number less than 10- or 12- barrel racers can be approved by rodeo committee or stock contractor; however, ground must be raked after the same amount in the entire rodeo and slack if a lower number of barrel racers is chosen. All rodeos will be required to drag after half the number of contestants the rodeo is set up for.
Reasoning: It has become an industry standard to drag at half, and is now required at WPRA rodeos.
Current Rule: 4. There shall be no rubber or plastic barrels or barrel pads used.
Rule Change: 4. Barrels will be 55 gallon steel drums. Both ends of the barrel must be enclosed. Barrels should be brightly colored or barrel covers should be used. If barrel covers are used, they should be used in slack as well as performances. There shall be no rubber or plastic barrels or barrel pads used.
Current Rule: 15. Contestant will be allowed to set up for her run as necessary, without circling unless there is a center gate. A spin or pivot is acceptable on a side gate. There will be no intentional dismounting. In the case of a center gate, forward motion must be maintained in and out of the arena. A committee and/or stock contractor may require running in and out OR running in only if they desire. If a stock contractor chooses this option, it must be posted at the secretary’s office as well as on the website entry site. Failure to comply with any of the above will be a $50 fine.
Rule Change: Split this rule into these two parts as 15 and 15.a along with changes to part a.
15. Contestant will be allowed to set up for her run as necessary, without circling unless there is a center gate. A spin or pivot is acceptable on a side gate. There will be no intentional dismounting. Failure to comply will be a $50 fine.
a. A committee and/or stock contractor may require running in and out OR running in only if they desire. Whichever option is chosen must be posted at the secretary’s office with the barrel pattern measurements.
Reasoning: Part a. of this rule has not been followed or enforced. I think it is overlooked because it is grouped in with the first part of the rule. I think that posting it at the office is sufficient to let the barrel racers know if they are allowed to set up or must run in and/or out.
Subject: Stalls & Hook-ups Page 73
New Rule: # 24. KPRA Directors will receive choice of stalls and hook-ups at the KPRA finals.
New Rule: #25. If KPRA finals contestant uses a hook-up or stalls that is assigned to another individual at finals, said contestant will not be able to check-in until they have moved to their assigned spot/stall.
Subject: Finals Stock Page 73
New Rule: #26 Timed Event Directors will be allowed to pick stock for the finals that are not provided by a KPRA Stock Contractor.
Late Submission
Subject: Stock Charge Page 28
9. A stock charge will be permitted in all KPRA rodeo events. The charge will not exceed $25 per event, except Barrels will be $10. Contestants will be charged a $11 KPRA fee per event, which will be split $2 to the judges, $1 to finals judges fund, $4 to the Operating/General Fund, $3 to event specific and $1 for the event directors to use at their discretion at the finals.
Rule Modificaton: Change $25 stock charge for timed events to $18 stock charge for timed events.
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